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How to Become a Sports Nutritionist

How to Become a Sports Nutritionist

No sports person ever reached peak performance with a poor diet.  

Sports research proves time and time again that what we fuel our bodies with directly impacts every aspect of performance – from strength and power to speed and stamina.  

In fact, at the very highest level, just a handful of ‘wrong’ or mistimed meals can be extremely costly.  

But sports nutrition goes beyond just taking a few vitamins, drinking three litres of water a day, and eating chicken, broccoli, and rice after you’ve trained.   

It’s about proper preparation and choosing the best foods at the correct time. As a sports nutritionist, you're the secret weapon behind your athletes’ energy levels, recovery, and overall performance. 

Nowadays, every serious athlete or sports team wants a nutritionist.  

It’s a fantastic, rewarding career where your expertise can directly fuel your clients’ success.   

If you’re itching to get started, here’s everything you need to know… 

Your job as a Sports Nutritionist

The first thing to remember is that you're not just a food advisor; you're a strategist, an ally, and a catalyst for change. Your role involves crafting personalised nutrition plans that align with athletes' goals and training regimens. It’s a role that comes with its challenges. Balancing the fine line between scientific knowledge and practical application can be demanding. However, the rewards are immeasurable. Witnessing your clients break through plateaus, achieve milestones, and transform their lives fuels a sense of accomplishment like no other. 

Your pathway to becoming a professional

For anybody who is already working in the fitness industry, one route is to take a course to build on your qualifications. For example, you might hold a Level 2 Certificate in Gym Instructing and/or Level 3 in Personal Training, and now wish to move into sports nutrition. 

The Health and Fitness Institute offer courses which can help you qualify as a sport nutritionist. With our Level 4 Transformation Personal Trainer Diploma, you’ll pick up your Level 2 and Level 3 PT Diploma, you will go beyond your Level 3 knowledge and become a sought-after specialist in transformational nutrition intervention for exercise, wellbeing and weight management. 

More commonly, people who want to become sports nutritionists usually start by getting a degree in nutritional science. After that, they might continue studying by doing more advanced courses. One option is a BSc (Hons) degree in Sports and Exercise Nutrition. This type of degree teaches about nutrition for different types of athletes, from top professionals to young beginners. The course can last for about three years if you study full-time, four years with a foundation year, or six years if you study part-time.  

Before you make any decisions, it’s important you make sure your course is recognised by reputable bodies.

So, what will you learn?

Qualifying as a sport nutritionist, you'll learn how to create tailored meal plans, optimise recovery strategies, and fine-tune supplementation for peak results. The in-depth exploration of nutritional psychology also prepares you to motivate clients beyond the plate. 

You’ll master the art of crafting meals that fuel performance, tailor nutrition plans to suit specific goals, training phases, and individual preferences, and understand the delicate balance of macronutrients and micronutrients to amplify results. 

But it goes beyond just writing meal plans and calculating macros. Find out about supplementation strategies for optimal performance and learn when and how to incorporate supplements strategically to bridge nutritional gaps and enhance recovery.  

Will you need work experience?

Like most professions, having relevant work experience can hugely benefit aspiring sports nutritionists. You might want to reach out to sports teams, universities, health and fitness centres or medical institutions. Establishing a strong reputation through word of mouth is a powerful way to pave the path towards future opportunities. Keep that in mind. Starting your learning journey in the realm of sports nutrition within a practical, real-world environment as soon as possible is the best move you can make